Company Updates

Last week, The Helen Brown Group LLC (HBG), parent company of DAFinitive®, announced an ownership transition.  In fact, and to be more personal, I have acquired HBG from Helen Brown, the company’s founder.  I am super excited, and honored, to take the helm!  In my new role, I’ll be serving as president and CEO of HBG, and I will be remaining the managing director of DAFinitive®.

Rather than reinvent the wheel, I am going to keep this blog post relatively short and point you to the HBG press release announcing the transition and my recent post in HBG’s sister blog The Intelligent Edge.

But, I also want to add something specific for this community because the other posts focuse more broadly on HBG. 

I want to assure you that our commitment to making DAFinitive® the most robust and comprehensive source for information on donor advised funds has not changed.  In fact, DAFinitive® is one of the things that most excited me about joining HBG and taking on my new responsibilities. 

While the first donor advised fund might have been formed a century ago, the recent explosion of DAFs means that it is an emerging area within the philanthropic landscape.  And, since giving through DAFs now accounts for about one-fourth of charitable dollars in the U.S., there’s no doubt that it is a force to be reckoned with.

The philanthropic industry is still adapting to DAFs as prevalent giving vehicle, best practices are still being formed, and technologies to facilitate this area of the market are just emerging.  So, it is exciting that DAFinitive® can be part of such an important evolution in fundraising. 

DAFinitive® is the source to find first-class, high-quality research on donor advised funds and I hope that you make it part of your organization’s DAF strategy.